episode 22: Back-To-School Special

We can hardly believe it’s that pivotal time again when summer sings its last hoorah and we shift gears up for a new school year. Between the two of us, we have four daughters: 11th grade, 7th grade, 4th grade, and 3rd grade – so none of this is new to us. In the south we say, “this ain’t our first rodeo.”


In this episode we take you through our back-to-school checklists, including what not to forget to order, lunch and dinner ideas, reminders and ideas for getting your kids back on a normal sleep/wake schedule. We added some things to your checklist from the notes our teen and tween daughters gave us – extra items that need to go into the backpack that you might not have thought of.


We hope these ideas and lists are helpful to you and get you thinking about your own lists and routines.


We’ve linked many of the items we suggested to make your shopping/ordering a tad bit easier.


Thank you for listening. We love your feedback so send us some of your best ideas and finds! And don’t forget to join our August Book Club! Details below.


Expo Markers

Stanley Water Bottle

Personal Hygiene Kits for Girls

Cosmetic Bags

Spray Deodorant (girls)

Spray Deodorant (boys)

Body Spray (girls)

Body Spray (boys)

Backpacks – this one is a favorite of Juice & her 7th grade daughter

Hello Fresh

3-Ring Binders

Page Protectors

Amazon Gift Cards – this is the PERFECT back-to-school gift for Teachers!


*Note: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


Give us your feedback at jennandjuicepodcast@gmail.com



Join us for August BOOK CLUB:

Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris


Grab a copy and join the discussion on the socials! @sistersonthesamepage


*Note: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


Thank you for sharing your time with us! Subscribe to the Jenn 'n Juice podcast and please share the conversation with your friends and family. New episodes every Thursday. 


IG : jennandjuice.ig

FB: JennandJuice

email us at: jennandjuicepodcast@gmail.com

website: Jenn 'n Juice Website

Jenni Hill - IG: jennihill.ig

Juice, aka Jessica Phillips - IG: jessicaphillips.ig

Don’t forget to follow Lauren & Lindi on Instagram Account: @sistersonthesamepage


Jessica Phillips

Jessica is worshiper and follower of Jesus. He rescued her heart at age 6 but he rescued her calling, purpose and direction in her early 20's. Everyday God is still writing Jessica's story. It involves her husband, Brad, her daughter, Emery, their extended families. But the story is a tale of loss of life and dark grief. And the story ebs and weaves and the grief story is followed by weddings and laughter. And what comes next? A Baby! God sends us a baby to shape and teach and grow right in the midst of our loss and realizing that life actually moves forward. We didn't think it would again after he died. But life just did what it was supposed to do...and it went on. And hope is born again. Everything I write is based on this fact: I'm God's child, I'm alive today. So what do You want me to do for You? Because I want my contribution to matter. I want to leave a legacy.